
is associated with many diseases:

  • hyperglycaemia (type 2 diabetes),
  • dys- or hyperlipidaemia,
  • hypertension,
  • heart disease,
  • fatty liver (a precursor of cirrhosis)

Hormone Action

Hormones function in two essential ways.

  1. They can either act at the membrane of the cell surface
  2. or can act within the cell itself

For example, insulin secreted by the pancreas binds to its receptor, to the insulin receptor, where it triggers events within the cytoplasm causing translation of the activation event from the outside leading to a series of signal transduction events on the inside.

This is one key pathway that can affect other components in the cytoplasm, the membrane, and the nucleus.

Another class of receptors, which reside both in the cytosol or nucleus, and the hormones for these receptors, such as fats, fat-derived molecules, lipid-like molecules or even drugs, are the nuclear receptors.

Lipid-like hormones

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