All cells of the human body are capable of taking up glucose; the way in which they do it, however, varies depending on the tissue type.

The majority of cells which are using the Na+-K+ pumps/ATP, GLUT transporters; are tissues in which the glucose supply should be constant.

Muscles and adipose tissue are GLUT-4 specific and insulin dependent. All the other tissues are insulin-independent.


Uptake and metabolism of glucose in different tissues

Table 1. GLUT transporters

In red blood cells, glucose uptake is performed with an insulin-independent GLUT-1 transporter. 90% of the glucose uptake converts to glycolysis, at the end of which pyruvate is produced by lactate because there are no mitochondria, so anaerobic glycolysis can only be accomplished. The remaining 10% should be the pentose phosphate pathway, with continuous NADPH synthesis, which is required to reduce glutathione to reduce oxidative stress (GST system).

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