Digestion of carbohydrates:

Goes until cells are capable to take up the mono forms (glucose)

D-type of sugar is used by our body

GLUT transmembrane proteins are responsible for the uptake

the uptake is ATP and Sodium-potassium co-transport dependent

GLUT5 is for fructose with facilitated diffusion

GLUT4 is insulin-dependent

Digestion and absorption of food carbohydrates

Between carbohydrates, we are considering complex forms like 

  1. oligo- and polysaccharides
  2. disaccharides and

    single forms, like the
  3. monosaccharides

    As a result of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, the polysaccharides are decomposed into monosaccharides because they can only be absorbed in the monosaccharides form through the small intestinal cells (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Types of sugar molecules

As a first step in the mouth, the alpha-amylase produced in the salivary glands hydrolyses alpha-1-4 bonds, thus disrupts starch and glycogen, but inactivates by the acidic pH of the stomach.

The pancreatic alpha-amylase produced by the

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