
Scroll down for answers!

  1. Define the term ‘anticipation’ in disease. Give two examples of diseases that express this phenomenon? 
  2. Why are beta-thalassemia patients not discovered at birth?
  3. How is the Bombay blood group formed? What antigens are present in the serum of a person with this blood type?
  4. What other mutations apart from the LDL receptor mutation are responsible for Familial Hypercholesterolemia? How is this disease inherited?
  5. In Africa, about 97% of the population is Rh+. How many per cent of the population is a heterozygote?
  6. A heterozygous pea plant with round and yellow seed is crossed with a homozygous recessive pea plant with elongated and green seeds. Draw up the cross and state the phenotypic ratio of the F1 generation.
  7. A heterozygous pea plant with round and yellow seed is crossed with a homozygous recessive pea plant with elongated and green seeds. The F1 generation was crossed with each other; based on and the following ratios, what is the distance between the genes? Are the genes linked?
    1. Round and yellow: 415 
    2. Round and green: 42 
    3. Elongated and yellow: 50 
    4. Elongated and green: 360   
  8. In a population of 30000 people, 10000 of them have the O blood group. If 6000 of them are heterozygous for blood group A, calculate the allelic

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