
Meiosis is the phase of the cell cycle where replicated chromosomes are separated into two daughter nuclei(at the end of Meiosis I) and four daughter nuclei(at the end of Meiosis II). It occurs in germ cells (gametes) and gives rise to genetically different cells in which the number of chromosomes is halved, providing genetic variation.  The resulting daughter cells are haploid (n).

Stages of Meiosis (Credit: Rdbickel, CC BY-SA 4.0)


Meiosis is first divided into 2 successive cell divisions; Meiosis I and Meiosis II and both of them are further divided into 5 stages each.

  1. Prophase I and II
  2. Prometaphase I and II
  3. Metaphase I and II
  4. Anaphase I and II
  5. Telophase I and II

In meiosis I, the chromosomal number is halved from 46 to 23, while during meiosis II is identical to mitosis (discussed in the previous lesson). The cell goes directly from Meiosis I to Meiosis II. There is no

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