Modern therapies are those that help to influence and improve the phenotype by advanced methods.

There are three main modern therapies:

  1. Influencing the expression of the gene
  2. Stem cell transplantation
  3. Gene therapy

Influencing the expression of the gene

  • If the disease is caused by the over-production of a toxic protein eg Huntington disease, we can reduce the expression of that protein by targeting the RNA.
  • siRNA's will do this by binding to the RNA(details of this are discussed in the Medical Genetics I: Epigenetics)

Stem cell transplantation

  • This is when stem cells are used to produce the missing cells or tissue.
  • It has two forms: nuclear transplantation and hematopoeitic stem cell transplantation.
  • In nuclear transplantation, the donor nuclei(diploid nuclei) is put into an oocyte that its nucleus has been removed. This cloned embryo will go on to form a blastocyst that can be used to make several organs and

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