
Scroll down for answers!

  1. A woman with blood group B has a sister with blood group A. Describe their genotypes and that of their parents if the parental blood groups are O and AB.
  2. Explain the gain of function mutations. 
  3. What are cancer syndromes and what is their role in the development of cancers? Give two examples.
  4. Explain the difference between driver and passenger mutations.
  5. What is the function of the Anaphase Promoting Complex and at what stage of the cell cycle does it work?
  6. What is the difference between caretaker genes and gatekeeper genes? Give an example for each.
  7. What pattern of inheritance is shown in the pedigree below(the image is inserted after question 10 at the bottom of the question section)? List four diseases that follow this same pattern.
  8. Explain the difference between dominant epistasis and recessive epistasis.
  9.  Two healthy parents have a healthy daughter and a son with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy(DMD). What are the genotypes of all four people and what is the probability of the daughter to be a carrier?
  10. Two healthy parents have a daughter with Phenylketonuria(PKU).

They visit the doctor as they have some questions about future pregnancies. As the doctor, answer the following questions:

a. What is the probability of both parents to be carriers of the disease?

b. What is the probability that their second child will have PKU?

c. What is the probability that their second child will be

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