
Scroll down for answers!

  1. A woman with blood group O and a man with blood group AB have a child with blood group AB. Explain how this is possible.
  2. When does an allele become polymorphic?
  3. What are multifactorial traits?
  4. What causes phenotypic variations?
  5. How are thymine dimers formed in DNA and which mechanism is responsible for the repair? Name a disease that is caused by the failure of this repair system.
  6. Is it possible for a healthy couple to have two sons: one with colour blindness and haemophilia and the other with just haemophilia? If yes, explain.
  7. What is the difference between Pleiotropy and Genetic heterogeneity? Give examples of genes that exhibit both phenomena. 
  8. Explain the difference between enzyme replacement therapy and protein augmentation therapy with examples.
  9. Explain Loss of Heterozygosity. What is its significance in oncogenetics?
  10. What is the phenotype of parents with IAiHh and iihh? What would be the phenotype of their children?  


  1. Normally, each

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