Details and background of the cell cycle are discussed in the  Medical Genetics I: Cell Cycle course

Regulation of the Cell Cycle

For cell cycle to start, we need

  • extracellular growth signals such as mitogens and growth factors eg erythropoietin, PDGF (Platelet-Derived Growth Factor), EDGF (Endothelial Derived Growth Factor)
  • receptors for the extracellular signals
  • signalling cascades that lead to expression or activation of genes that control the cell cycle

The following molecule is involved in the regulation of various parts of the cell cycle. These points of regulation are called Cell Cycle Checkpoints(More details on Cell Cycle checkpoints are discussed in Medical Genetics I: Cell Cycle course)

  • Cyclins (Can be cyclin D, E, A, B, etc)
  • Cyclin-dependent kinases(Cdk's)
  • Cdk inhibitors(CdkI)
  • Ubiquitin Ligases
The different cyclin-CDK complexes present in all stages of the

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