Inflammation of the vessel wall.

  • Infectious
  • Non-infectious


  • Most commonly, fungi -- Aspergillus
  • Usually due to systemic infections in immune compromised


Caused due to autoimmune reactions.

Many specific types are known and they are classified based on their characteristic features, mainly the types of vessels they affect, but in general -- they overlap in their presentation.


To this day, most vasculitides have an unknown etiology; however, there have been three suggested mechanisms:

  • Immune complex deposition
  • Neutrophil-mediated
  • Anti-endothelial activity

Immune complex deposition

Some vasculitides are caused due to the presence of immune complexes within vessel walls.

  • Types:
    • Drug hypersensitivity
      • In some cases, drugs such as penicillin bind to proteins and act as antigens to which antibodies can bind
    • Secondary to

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