The internal iliac artery is the major artery of the pelvis and perineum, supplying the pelvic wall, viscera, gluteal region and genitalia. It branches off the common iliac artery around L5-S1, passing down anteromedially on the sacroiliac joint, forming anterior and posterior divisions.

Anterior division

The anterior division lies on the ureter and fallopian tubes. It gives off the following branches:

  1. Umbilical artery — Its proximal part gives the superior vesical artery which supplies the bladder, its distal part underwent fibrosis to form a ligament after birth
  2. Obturator artery — Goes through obturator foramen, and supplies the muscles of the thigh.
  3. Inferior vesical artery — Only in males, supplies the fundus of the bladder, the prostate,

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