The inguinal region (sometimes referred to as the groin region) is the triangular area where the anterior abdominal wall joins the upper inner thigh.

Figure 1. Inguinal region and inguinal canal.


The inguinal region spans between one inguinal ligament to the other and is bordered superiorly by an imaginary line connecting the two anterior superior iliac spines.

Contents of the inguinal region

  1. Inguinal canal
  2. Inguinal folds
  3. Inguinal fossae
  4. Inguinal triangle

Inguinal canal

An oblique passage between the abdominal cavity and the subcutaneous tissue, extending from the deep inguinal ring to the superficial inguinal ring.

SuperiorTransversus abdominis and internal oblique
Inferior Inguinal ligament
Floor Transversalis fascia
Roof External oblique aponeurosis
Table 1. Borders of the inguinal canal


  1. Ductus deferens and gonadal vessels (males)
  2. Round ligament of the uterus (females)
  3. Genitofemoral nerve — Genital branch
  4. Ilioinguinal

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