The kidneys produce urine, and the ureters convey it into the bladder.

Figure 1. The urinary system (Credit: BruceBlaus, CC BY-SA 4.0)


The kidneys are paired, bean-shaped organs found in the posterior upper abdomen.


The kidneys can essentially be seen as highly sophisticated blood filters.

  1. Regulation of blood pressure, osmolarity, acid-base balance, and ion homeostasis
  2. Excretion of metabolites and waste products
  3. Endocrine functions:
    1. Produce renin
    2. Activate vitamin D
    3. Produce erythropoitein (promoting RBC production)


The kidneys are located within the retroperitoneum (primary retroperitoneal) to the sides of the vertebral column.

  • The left kidney is located at the level of T12 to L3
  • The right kidney is slightly lower (due to the presence of the liver)


  • Right kidney — Liver, duodenum, ascending colon
  • Left

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