Male reproductive anatomy (Credit: OpenStax, CC BY-SA 4.0)



The testicles are the primary male reproductive organs; located in the scrotum, as they require a slightly lower temperature for the production of spermatocytes.

The layman’s definition of testicles generally regards the whole “sack” of the scrotum together with the gonads as testicles, but in anatomical terms, we do not include the scrotum when describing the testicles.


  • Spermatogenesis (production and maturation of spermatocytes)
    • Highly sensitive to heat
  • Steroidogenesis (production of testosterone)
    • Not affected by temperature changes


The testicles are engulfed and covered by layers that are continuous with the layers of the spermatic cord, from inside outwards:

  1. Tunica albuginea
    • Grayish fibrous capsule immediately covering the testis
    •  The inner part of this layer is known as the tunica vasculosa as it contains

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