The liver is the largest glandular organ (after the skin), and the biggest and heaviest organ in the human body, measuring about 1.5kg (2.5% of the total body weight) in adults.

Anterior view of the liver
Posterior view of the liver


The liver is located mainly in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen under the protection of the rib cage (hypochondrium and epigastrium), deep to ribs 7-11 on the right side.

It is located right under the diaphragm, therefore it moves up and down during respiration.


  1. Metabolism (glucose, lipids)
  2. Protein production and secretion
  3. Bile production and secretion
  4. Detoxification
  5. Storage of nutrients

Parts and surfaces

The liver is covered by a thin, connective tissue capsule known as Glisson’s capsule. We can divide the surface of the liver into 2:

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