The bony pelvis consists of:

  • Two hip bones
  • Sacrum
  • Coccyx

Bony pelvis (Credit: OpenStax, CC BY-SA 4.0)


  1. Stabilization and the support of the center of gravity
  2. Protection and housing of soft organs
  3. Attachment point of muscles and ligaments
  4. In females, the pelvic outlet allows child delivery

Hip bone

The paired hip-bone can be divided into three parts:

  • Ischium
  • Ilium
  • Pubis

These three parts are separated bones at birth, and fuse by adulthood to form a single hip bone, by the fusion of triradiate cartilage at a common point – the acetabulum.

Right hip bone (OpenStax, CC BY-SA 4.0)

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