The uterus is a thick-walled, pear-shaped, hollow muscular organ situated in the pelvic cavity. The uterine tubes are membranous tubes extending from the uterus.

Internal female reproductive organs (Credit: OpenStax, CC BY-SA 4.0)



Being covered by the broad ligament (of the uterus), the uterus is said to be infraperitoneal; its size varies depending on the hormonal conditions of the female (and obviously, pregnancy).


The uterus is the site of implantation and growth of the fetus.


The non-pregnant uterus is located in the lesser pelvis lying on the bladder, with its cervix situated between the bladder and the rectum.

Peritoneal relations

The peritoneum reflects from the urinary bladder as it covers its superior surface t0 form the vesicouterine pouch between the urinary bladder and the anterior aspect of the uterus; the rectouterine (or Douglaspouch forms posteriorly between the posterior aspect of

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