The thoracic wall covers the thoracic cavity. It consists of bones, muscles, and neurovasculature.

The thoracic wall protects the vital organs of the thoracic cavity, participates in respiration, and serves as an attachment for muscles and other tissues.


  • Bones (the "thoracic cage")
    • Ribs
    • Sternum and manubrium
    • Thoracic vertebral column
  • Muscles
    • Pectoralis group (major and minor)
    • Serratus group (posterior superior, posterior inferior, and anterior)
    • Intercostals (external, internal, and innermost)
    • Transversus thoracic
    • Subcostalis
    • Levatores costarum
  • Neurovasculature


Since the thoracic wall covers the thoracic cavity, it is essentially the external boundary of the thoracic cavity.

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