The muscles of the thoracic wall consist of 11 members. They act on the upper limb and thoracic skeleton and have protective and respiratory functions.

Muscles of the thoracic wall (Credit: OpenStax, CC BY-SA 4.0)

List of muscles

  1. Pectoralis major
  2. Pectoralis minor
  3. Serratus anterior
  4. Serratus posterior superior
  5. Serratus posterior inferior
  6. External intercostals
  7. Internal intercostals
  8. Innermost intercostals
  9. Transversus thoracis
  10. Subcostales
  11. Levatores costarum

Pectoralis muscles

The pectoralis muscles (from Latin, "pectus" meaning breast) are two pairs of muscles that act primarily on the upper limb but also function as accessory muscles of respiration by elevating ribs during deep inspiration. 

  • Pectoralis major. A large, triangular-shaped muscle. The most superficial of the pectoral muscles. 
    • Separated from the breast by the pectoral fascia. 
    • It arises from the clavicle, sternum, and costal cartilages, and

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