The main function of the conducting system of the heart is to generate and transmits the electrical impulses in order to produce coordinated contractions between the chambers of the heart during the cardiac cycle

The conducting system consists of:

  1. Nodal tissue — Pacemaker cells that initiate the heartbeat and coordinates the contractions of heart chambers
  2. Highly specialized conducting fibers — For the rapid transmission of the electrical signals to the different areas of the heart
  3. Cardiac muscle cells — Allow the propagation of the electrical signal allowing the chamber walls are able to contract simultaneously

Nodal tissue — The pacemakers

The pacemakers of the heart generate posses an intrinsic electrical activity meaning they can generate electrical impulses.

In the human heart there are two nodes:

  1. Sinoatrial node
  2. Atrioventricular node

The SA node

  • The SA node is referred to as a small group of pacemaking cells, specialized cardiac muscle fibers, and fibroelastic connective tissue which has a characteristic of an intrinsic electrical activity
  • It located at the place

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