The following article is a brief introductrion to the nervous system.

The nervous system can be divided into structurally and functionally:

  • Structurally, it is divided into the following two components:
    • The central nervous system or CNS (the brain and spinal cord)
    • The peripheral nervous system or PNS (spinal and peripheral nerves, and ganglia)
  • Functionally, it is divided into the following two components:
    • Somatic nervous system or SNS
    • Autonomic nervous system or ANS

The two basic directions of communication in the nervous system are:

  • Afferent (sensory) nerves or fibers — towards the CNS
  • Efferent (motor) nerves or fibers — towards the effector organs (muscles, glands)

An easy way to remember them is that afferent = arrive, and efferent = exit.

The sensory and motor nerves participate in both autonomic and somatic nervous systems.

Somatic nervous system

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