The occipital bone forms the posterior and inferior parts of the skull.

Figure 1. Occipital bone


The occipital bone is a singular, trapezoidal-shaped bone with a large, characteristic opening known as the foramen magnum (Latin for great hole).

  • It has 2 surfaces (outer, and inner), 4 angles (two lateral, superior, and inferior) and 2 borders (superior, and inferior).
  • It is formed by 4 parts (two lateral, squamous, and basilar) described based on their orientation with the foramen magnum.
PartRelationship with the foramen magnum
Two lateral partsLateral, to its sides
Squamous partPosterior to it
Basilar partAnterior to it
Table 1. Parts of the occipital bone
  • The squamous and lateral parts form the posterior part of the base of the skull.
  • The basilar part is

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