The mouth is a part of the head consisting of the vestibule and the oral cavity. The vestibule is the opening of the mouth, and the oral cavity is a chamber found deep to it.

Figure 1. Illustration of the mouth


  1. Food intake and processing
  2. Speech
  3. Breathing
  4. Attacking and self-defense (biting)


The mouth can be divided into 2 parts:

  1. Oral vestibule
  2. Oral cavity proper

Some authors include a third part known as the fauces, which is found deep to the oral cavity proper, but many associate it to the pharynx rather than the mouth.

Borders and contents

Oral vestibule

Spans between the lips and cheeks to the alveolar arches, gingivae and the teeth. At rest, this space is collapsed.

Oral cavity proper

The oral cavity proper describes the space inside the alveolar arches, bound by the palate superiorly, and the floor of the mouth inferiorly.

At rest (when the mandible is closed), the oral cavity proper is filled with the tongue.

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