The hand consists of 27 bones that can be divided into three groups: carpal, metacarpal, and phalangeal bones.

Figure 1. Bones of the hand (Credit: OpenStax, CC BY-SA 4.0)


The 27 bones of the hand can be divided into three major groups:

  • The carpal bones
  • The metacarpal bones
  • The bones of the phalanges

Carpal bones

The carpal bones are 8 bones arranged into 2 equal rows (4 in each row) found within the wrist:

  • The proximal row consists of the scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum and pisiform bones (from lateral to medial).
  • The distal row consists of the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate bones.

Proximal row

Scaphoid bone

The scaphoid (from Latin: "boat-shaped") bone articulates with the radius, trapezium, trapezoid, lunate and capitate bones.

  • Its

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