The axilla (also known as the armpit, or underarm) is the part below the shoulder, connecting and allowing the passage of major vessels and nerves to and from the upper limb.

Figure 1. The axilla (anterior view)
Figure 2. The axilla (posterior view)


The axilla is found inferior to the glenohumeral joint and superior to the axillary fascia, serving as a communication between the arm, pectoral, deltoid, and scapular regions, thorax, and neck.

  • Depending on the position of the arm, the axilla can be exposed with the axillary fossa (the concave part found inferiorly and covered by hairy skin) clearly visible if the arm is abducted, or hidden if the arm is adducted.
  • The anterior and posterior axillary folds mark the outer boundaries of the axillary fossa; they are clearly visible and palpable.
    • The anterior fold is formed by the lateral edge of the pectoralis major muscle, and is more superior in position

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