The medial compartment of the thigh is conveniently known as the adductor group, comprising of adducting and medially rotating muscles.

They include the following:

  1. Adductor longus
  2. Adductor brevis
  3. Adductor magnus
  4. Gracilis 
  5. Obturator externus 


All muscles in this compartment, except a part of the adductor magnus, act to adduct and medially rotate the thigh, and are innervated by the obturator nerve

Adductor Longus 

One of the three adductor muscles, adductor longus is a flat, triangular, long muscle that is found most anteriorly of the adductor muscle group. 

  • It originates at the anterior aspect of the pubic body and inserts onto the linea aspera of the femur.
  • Along with the other adductor muscles, the adductor longus acts to adduct and medially rotate the thigh.
  • The adductor longus,

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