The bony foot consists of 26 bones divided into three groups, similar to those of the hand: tarsal, metatarsal, and phalangeal bones.


The 26 bones of the foot can be divided into three groups:

  • The tarsal bones
  • The metatarsal bones
  • The bones of the phalanges

The tarsal bones

The tarsal bones are 7 large and strong bones. They include (from superior to inferior):

  1. Talus
  2. Calcaneus
  3. Navicular
  4. Medial cuneiform
  5. Intermediate cuneiform
  6. Lateral cuneiform
  7. Cuboid


To memorize the bones and their order, use the mnemonic Tiger Cubs Need MILC (milk).

  • T: talus
  • C: calcaneus
  • N: navicular
  • M: medial cuneiform
  • I: intermediate cuneiform
  • L: lateral cuneiform
  • C: cuboid
Figure 2. The tarsal bones (Credit: BodyParts3D, CC BY-SA 4.0)

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