
  • Central dogma: The process of DNA -> RNA -> PROTEIN
  • Transcription: Copying the information from DNA into mRNA (messenger RNA).
  • Enhancer: A short (50–1500 bp) region of DNA that can be bound by proteins (activators) to increase the transcription.
  • Silencer: A sequence-specific element that induces a negative effect on the transcription of its particular gene.

Required steps

  1. Chromatin change into the active form (Eukaryotic genome organization in general (definitions))
  2. Transcription factor binds to the opened sequence’s promoter region
  3. Control elements bind to the sequence of the current gene (enhancers, silencers, special transcriptional factors)
  4. Activation of RNA polymerase II
  5. Transcription – production of mRNA (messenger RNA)
  6. Removal of introns
  7. Capping
  8. Poly-AAA tailing
  9. Transport to the cytosol

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