Soft tissue rheumatism is a group of degenerative or inflammatory diseases affecting the subcutaneous connective tissue, muscles, ligaments, tendons, bursae, and associated tissues. The conditions can be acute or chronic.


Bursae are sac-like structures filled with synovial fluid resembling water balloons, reducing friction between tendons and adjacent joint capsules and bony prominences during movement.

Bursitis is the inflammation of these bursae, and it may be acute or chronic, affecting superficial, or deep bursae.

  • Presents with pain and swelling.
  • Most commonly affects the bursae around the shoulder, elbow (olecranon), hip (trochanter) and knee.
  • Acute cases are typically idiopathic or associated with trauma or overuse, with chronic cases being due to repetitive trauma, arthritis (RA, OA, crystal-induced) and chronic infections.
  • Baker's cyst is a common manifestation of bursitis of the knee, seen in

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