The trachea (or windpipe) is a tubular structure connecting between the larynx and the main bronchi of the lungs. It conveys air and to some degree helps warm and moisten it, as well as clear out unwanted particles.

Figure 1. The trachea and bronchial tree (a) and a low-magnification histological slide of a cut-surface of the trachea (b)


  1. Mucosa
    1. Epithelium (pseudostratified columnar epithelium)
    2. Lamina propria
  2. Submucosa
  3. Cartilage
  4. Adventitia



  • Ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells resting on a thick, well-defined basement membrane.
  • It is covered by a thin mucous layer consisting of mucopolysaccharides, produced by the goblet cells and mucosal glands of the submucosa.
  • The cell population consists of 5 types of cells; with the ciliated, goblet, and basal cells being most

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