The following is offered as a suggestion; Meddists is not affiliated, associated, authorized, approved, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected to Debrecen University.

How to study?

During the semester

We highly recommend studying the lessons in the presented order as follows:

  1. Gene expression
  2. Cell proliferation
  3. Cell signalling
  4. Biochemistry of the sport
  5. Liver
  6. Haemostasis - Blood coagulation
  7. Blood
  8. Inflammation
  9. ECM
  10. Stress biochemistry
  11. Neurobiochemistry

This order could be altered compared to the official lecturer set depending on the department.


The following is based on the official bulletin of the university according to the publication of January 2022.

These lists are only recommendations given by the department -- thus, it doesn't guarantee that all of them (if any) will be taught in that specific order. Always ask your teachers and professors regarding the order and prepare accordingly, since they are the only ones who can tell you

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